Monday, May 30, 2011

the force is strong with this one

brilliant news!! I am pregnant!! and it barely took two months and there it was :D Husband and i are so excited! We had our first doctors appointment today and got our first sonar - its not much more than a speck right now, but we know our little bean is in there and we can't wait to feel more of his/her presence. Since we want to wait to find out the gender we've come to calling him OB1 - Our Baby the 1st! Although the doc said that until 12 weeks anything could still go wrong, we want to shout it from the rooftops and are already envisioning a little blonde bundle of joy crawling around the house! Life is wonderful!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

3 beautiful things

1. my man cuddling the pms-related irritation right out of me this morning.
2. my boss bringing us apple crumble to the office.
3. missing my man and looking forward to seeing him again tonight - love that contend feeling.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


today is mother's day, and i miss my mother more than usual. and i miss my grandmother even more. i've gotten to spend more time with my mom recently but feel like i haven't seen my grandmother in ages. and she is one of the most important people in my life!
on great news though she got a laptop now and is gonna start emailing and skyping, how cool is she. i can't wait!
and of course on a last note, here's hoping that by this time next year i'll be a mother myself :)