Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm finally back at work, after a 2 week quarantine, which followed 2 other weeks of constant back-and-forth, doc appointments, the works. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm happy to be back at work! Here at work I got people, I got email, I got the internet! And I've got things to do!

In these last weeks I've gone through so many movies I think I've filled up my quota for the next couple of months! Saw some pretty interesting things though I must say.

Like last night, The Number 23 - now that one definitely screws with your mind!!! Plus its very unusual to see Jim Carrey in such a dark role! But bloody well done!

Also in light of a lot of couples breaking up (or does it just seem like it?) I've seen my own relationship with new eyes - very appreciative eyes! Suddenly every day is like christmas, and I see in so many small things how incredibly lucky I am. Also I'd worried that this rising divorce rate would make me shy away from walking down the aisle myself, but quite the opposite, I've never been more sure in my life!

I think its a good idea to take 3BT up again actively. so my 3 Beautiful Things today are:

1. I have a wonderful man in my life, that actually loves and adores me as much as I love and adore him!

2. There are a lot of people out there that actually missed me while I was gone, many of whom I wouldn't have expected it from.

3. I'm healthy. I know it sounds cliche, but I got really lucky this last month. I could've ended up in hospital but instead my Super-Immune System pulled me through and just got me 2 weeks rest.

For all of you out there, I really hope you have a great day, with warm sunshine and air that smells like spring, and at least 3 people that suddenly have the urge to give you a great big hug! :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

basic human nature

watched a rather thought-inducing movie last night - The Mist. yeah i know, one of many scary-creatures-movie, but i found that the 'monsters' actually feature very little in the storyline - what seems to be the main point is how primal we humans can become, if put in an extreme situation. now this topic has been explored so many times - for example in 'Lord of the Flies' and attempts like Big Brother. How we start to turn on each other when taken out of our safety zone and left exposed to new and unknown circumstances. Its a topic thats always fascinated me, and even now, days after watching this movie, it still buzzes around in the back of my mind. The ending especially got to me - that was worse than the worst horror movie!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i'm back!

hey everybody!
man, yeah i know, i was gone for ages! but i'm back, and i intend to stay back!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

blah blah blah

hello .. yes i've been quiet for a while... very busy and now finishing a week's holiday - mostly sitting around, watching movies, snacking, generally lazing. no internet at home, so there's my excuse right there.
At the moment i find myself at a friends place. he's on the phone to his girlfriend overseas, and my significant other is deeply delved in a conversation with some american that started with theories on the black hole and is now.. i have no clue whatsoever! but i assure you its some very important, earthly, life-influencing topic.
ah well.
i've had a very relaxing day, had a couple of glasses of wine and - today - do not feel like discussing deep, heavy issues.... i hear something about rabbits.
and here's the owner of the laptop i'm on, so cheers guys, will be back for some more meaningless chatter.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Its a new year, a new start

Hmm.. interesting topic, this new year, clean slate theory. why can't we start clean anytime throughout the year? Well, whatever the traditions, it works, and I gotta admit I get caught up in it too. I did try to stay away from 'New Years Resolutions' this year, but I am determined to keep an overall positiv attitude. And I have no reason not to. A month at work I dreaded is turning out better than expected, in so many little ways, and I feel more energised than I have in a long time.
Well, alright, today in particular is a little fuzzy cos of an in-depth conversation with Love of my Life that lasted until 4h00 this morning... ok so right now I'm just about ready to collapse. But no, positivity shall prevail!!! :)
By the way, is anyone else seeing the horribly big and bold type on Google lately??? What happened??!! I want my old look back!!!