Tuesday, August 9, 2011

what a wonderful weekend

This past weekend was another memorable one! Saturday i had some girlfriends over, we had pizza and gossiped and looked through my new baby clothes. The one already has a 6-month-old who was the centre of attention obviously :)
I had already started shifting around in the babyroom and the little bed is now set up with a collection of stuffed animals and blankets. Also we have received so many second hand baby clothes i honestly don't know how to thank people! and really nice, good-quality clothes! My mom has been an angel - not only has she collected the clothes and sent them up, with some new items in between that she just couldn't resist in the shop, but she and my grandma also bought some winnie the pooh material and she's making us bedding and curtains for what she proudly calls her grand-bundle-of-joy!
Sunday we whent for a day trip with some friends to the dam - for the internationals thats the lake! our one friend has a new racing boat so the day was spent setting up the engine and taking us women and little girl out for spins. We made hot dogs and otherwise lazed in the shade, chatted, took lots of photos and enjoyed the day.
Another big plus was that one of the new group of friends actually works at canon and will take my camera in with her to get it cleaned - i have so far not achieved much by phoning around plus by the time i eventually get into town another month will have past. If they can get those irritating dust spots out that i haven't been able to clean out, taking photos will be a joy again! Already this was a very rewarding weekend for photos again - i'd almost forgotten how much i enjoyed it. And with the zoom lens my man got me and the appreciation of the group afterwards, i think i have rediscovered my passion :)

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