Wednesday, November 28, 2007


OK enough feeling sorry for myself! Early new years resolution: be positive.
Aaand since i don't have much to tell i figured i'd post some photos...

This was one of many great outings - that cheetah was so tame it was unbelievable! At first I absolutely did NOT feel the urge to go inside, especially with her growling at me! Trainer: “No, she's not growling - she purring!!” Ah well if you say so!!! She turned out to be quite sweet, although I still believe we shouldn't be so arrogant as to think we're totally safe, they are still wild animals after all!

Its actually amazing. Ever since I moved here and T and I moved in together, I've taken photos almost everywhere. And now, although our life feels pretty normal and very quiet, people look at our pinboard and keep remarking what a fun life we've had together so far. And we smile and agree :) Because they're right. And where they comment on the photo occasions, we silently add all those special evenings just spent cuddling, chatting or clowning around and laughing, and we find nothing to complain about.


Kate said...

Hi, Vicky! Thanks for your nice comments about 'Queen Mum' - much appreciated.
Great cheetah photo!
Kate Long

Vicky said...

hey kate!
thank you, and thanks for visiting my blog :) have a splendid day further!

Lucy Diamond said...

Wow...what an amazing photo. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!

Vicky said...

thanks lucy :) i'm hoping i'll have more to show you - like our christmas trip - should be very interesting ;)