Thursday, December 13, 2007

Quiet Time

Hi everyone, I'm back! Sorry for the silence, just finished off the last heavy batch at work and am now looking forward to some quiet time.
The race over the weekend turned out quite successful! And I'm proud to say that my honey received the Floating Trophy for Sportsmanship :) Plus he won himself an all-expenses-paid dinner too! Wonder who he's gonna take ....?! :)
Well, haven't got much else to tell except for work, so before I start blabbing I'll sign off.
Have a nice weekend everybody!


Lane Mathias said...

Love the title of your blog! And your black cat!
That looks like some boat. Well done on your man taking the trophy and enjoy the meal - so much nicer when you're not paying:-)

Vicky said...

hi :D welcome!
thanks for all the compliments :) the cat unfortunately is not mine - i'm waiting for the day that we move so i can have a cat of my own! and you're right about the meal - must enjoy freebies while we can ;)